Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Where to Place Main Keywords in Web Content Articles

Where to place keywords when writing SEO web content articles is of utmost importance if you want your articles to get high rankings on Google or Yahoo!. Search engines must be able to find the content you are promoting via keywords that you assign to your articles. Otherwise, the content you spent so much time researching and writing will join the ranks of innumerable other articles never found by search engines.

During the early days of the Internet it was thought that the more keywords you stuffed in an article, the easier it would be for a "spider" or "crawler" or search engine to find it. This may have worked back then, but in today's high tech world it is considered spamming, and your article will likely be overlooked by Google or even blacklisted.

So . . . where should keywords be placed for the highest recognition by Google or Yahoo!?

As an example, take a look at the title of the article you are reading now. Look at the first five words in the first sentence of this article. What do you see? Right! They are exactly the same! I did this on purpose because I wanted to demonstrate that if you make the title AND the first sentence of your article the same, those words can be your title tag as well as the URL of your blogspot or web page. Thus, when someone is searching for information on the Internet about appropriate keyword placement, your article is likely to rank in the top 10 or 20 found by search engines such as Google.

It isn't always going to work this way for all of the content articles you write. But remember, you don't want the keywords in your articles to sound contrived but to flow naturally in your writing.

Another very critical spot for the placement of the main keywords within your content articles is in your bio, or profile. As a writer, think of your profile (bio) as the "entryway" of your home. In your home, your entryway or foyer is the where your visitors will get their first overall impression of the rest of your home. And, as a writer, your bio gives your readers a first glimpse of what lies ahead in your main article. So when writing your bio, make sure your main keywords are included.

1 comment:

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